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By Terry22/4/2019 21:46Mon Apr 22 21:46:43 2019In response to Re: HBFC 9 STFC 1

Views: 1535

Well lm sorry l cant agree Earlsmead Part Timer.
Yes agreed Barry Silkman a colourful character.
But as for the farce today well we would normally been playing Hendon or dare l say Wealdstone once upon a time on a Bank Holiday Monday.
Im afraid Football is in a different world to the rest of us if you cant pay your way and are insolvent( No Money!)
You Go Out Of Business Thats the real world.
Yet clubs go bust owing thousands to creditors and come back such as AFC Telford and we are saw how their appalling fans behaved recently.

Edited by Terry at 21:49:00 on 22nd April 2019