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Reply to "Re: Staines Its A Farce."

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Middx Wanderer24/4/2019 11:25Wed Apr 24 11:25:58 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.

Views: 1963

Terry . Time to back down mate. Staines are fully entitled to be playing. As already said, every club has to jump through hoops to keep up to date with the requirements of the FA, County FA & League .
If players are on not on contract you are not oblidged to pay them ( if they are expecting payment & don't recieve it they can leave). Staines have used over 100 players this season, as someone who gets involved with helping with our player registrations I know the Secretary deserves a medal not the sack.

Also please stop accusing our players of lacking bottle etc. Yes we were utter crap at Farnborough & Hartley Wintney, that happens it's non league, but when we played the real bully boys of this league (Taunton & Met Police) We were a match for them. Winning both home games & for very different reasons being unlucky in the away matches.
This current squad can only be matched by the team we had in 2009 - 2011 in the past 25 years, let's give them the credit they deserve. If better players are available in the summer in any position all well & good, but if not I will enjoy watching this squad again next season

Edited by Middx Wanderer at 11:46:00 on 24th April 2019