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Re: That Race For 5th!

By cappers24/4/2019 12:11Wed Apr 24 12:11:13 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!

Views: 964

During our 8-1 defeat, we worked hard enough but they were better than us. They finished 2nd or 3rd whereas we finished second bottom with just 4 wins and 1 draw and got relegated. Maybe the following week when we beat them 6-3 they didn't have the work ethic and thought they would turn us over again. I don't know.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that effort and being fired up for a match in no way guarantees you a win as you seem to be suggesting. What if the other team are just as fired up and put in the same amount of effort?

Terry, let me ask you this. Has there been one game this season that you have watched where you have been able to accept defeat and not criticise the team for a lack of effort? Or do you believe that if you lose it's because you lack effort and aren't fired up for the game?