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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:08Wed Apr 24 19:08:13 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.

Views: 2024

Hello Harrowred.But Hang on are you suggesting that a Captain shouldnt be Vocal.
Lets get to rub of this.
Watching Boro at Hartley Whitney against Frome Chesham and Wimbourne at home are you telling me if Wayne was still involved as a player or as l wish our coach we would have seen those"performances"
That would not be accepted by him
A Lack fight and a Lack effort and yes bottle lm afraid.
4 Games O Points.
Wayne would go a through a brick wall to win the ball and soon Let people know if they werent doing it are you seriously saying Ryan Moss is a Leader when l saw him ducking out of Challenges at Hartley Whitney.
Lets get Wayne as a coach and get the fear factor of Losing back!