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Reply to "Re: Staines Its A Farce."

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:38Wed Apr 24 19:38:37 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.

Views: 1902

Cheers Alan Middlesex Wanderer l always respect your views my friend.
Well first of all lm Irish and we never back down if we did that in 1916 we would still be under British Rule today.
This is the thing with Football.
Staines are insolvent according to the statement lve have just seen on the Link through the forum contracted players were released in September due to the Club having no funds.
Stop there.
If A Business in the real World has no money to pay its staff it goes broke.
Southern League should have stepped in.
Staines are in breach of contract to their players
They cant meet their obligations to put out a competitive team when they play so how can the public be expected to pay to watch such a farce that took place at Boro on Monday.
Is that really good for Non League Football.
I think Not.
As for Boro.This Forum is where we must tell it Straight.
If l have Ruffled a Few Feathers well thats Tough.
You mention Taunton and Poole absolutely but remember we were underdogs with the Bookies both Games.Easy when your Underdogs.But when we were Favourites.
When the Heat was Really on.
Hartley Whitney 0 Points
Frome 0 Points
Chesham 0 Points
Wimbourne 0 Points
Played 4 0 Points.
Ive just done a post to Harrowred saying if Wayne Walters was playing or on the sidelines as a coach would those performances been acccepted l think not somehow.I think Wayne would have shaked his fist and put the Fear Factor For The Lack Effort.
The issue of the Half Time Practice against Wimbourne if Wayne would have seen that God Help Them.
For 15 mins The Subs Hitting the Ball high and Wide of the goal and its all a big Laugh.
If people are Really Making Effort why didnt the Coach give Written Instructions for things to work on Such as Crossing and 10yrd passes etc.
To me that an Obvious Example of a Lack of Effort no ifs no buts.
Maybe thats why no one can do a Long throw a Lack of a hard work culture in training.
Im telling it as l see it.
Defeat is never easy to accept but sorry a Lack of fight is never acceptable

Edited by Terry at 19:40:11 on 24th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:41:55 on 24th April 2019