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What To Learn From England.

By Terry7/6/2019 10:17Fri Jun 7 10:17:37 2019

Views: 1022

Watching Last nights game with England and Holland admittedly as partial England fan as The Republic of Ireland with my Irish heritage are my team really.
But when they are not playing l do cheer on England.
What to Learn in regard to Boro.
As we saw 2 goals given away playing the ball out from the back Losing the ball in bad areas.
For You Tube fans out there just refer to the 3rd Goal we Lost to Swindon Supermarine Last season.
So my advice for Boro next season is simple.
When the goalkeeper has the ball in Dont throw it short.Go Long hit the ball into opponents half.
Same with free kicks in our half always hit the ball into opponents half.Not as we saw against the "might"of Frome Town playing 8 passes from a free kick just before halfway and it ending up back with our keeper.Not Good Enough !
Simple then you cant end up Like England giving away 2 goals in such a manner!