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Re: Harrow Borough 1 Taunton 1

By Terry2/9/2019 08:42Mon Sep 2 08:42:09 2019In response to Re: Harrow Borough 1 Taunton 1

Views: 1078

Yes Middlesex Wanderer thanks for posting that video.
They remind me of Laurel and Hardy in some ways!
The management team of Taunton.
The pitch not good Enough Tough its the same for both teams not that Taunton keep it on the ground enough for them to complain!!!
As for the comment about the Ref agreed he didnt have the best game but l thought everyone in non League agrees to the Respect Campaign.
Respect your opponents.
Dont whine about the ground area or facilities.
Respect match officials.
As l mentioned in my article No Ref No Match.
When l think of the West Country its Cider Cricket The Wurzels and Rugby.
Its never been a great football area and l think Tauntons physical approach hailed from the Rugby Era!!!
Non League Football to me is about a good hard game played in the right spirit and the best team winning.
Taunton their players management and yes fans need to understand that they have no God given right to just rock up and expect 3 points.
So l hope they concentrate more on themselves instead of complaining about others!

Edited by Terry at 08:43:15 on 2nd September 2019
Edited by Terry at 08:45:32 on 2nd September 2019