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Re: Beaconsfield v Boro Match Preview.

By Terry10/9/2019 22:56Tue Sep 10 22:56:55 2019In response to Re: Beaconsfield v Boro Match Preview.

Views: 785

Well Whispering Minotaur l could make excuses and say its a Mickey Mouse affair the Southern League Cup as most teams Like us tonight play mix of 1st team and fringe players but l wont.
Because l believe no matter who you pick you must try and win.
Lets be clear this was a bigger match for Beaconsfield than us.
We are going for promotion and Beaconsfield will probably go down.
Its a miracle that they are at this Level for many years they were in the London Spartan League.
So yes disappointing but not the end of the world!!!!!
So Come On You Reds!!!!!

Edited by Terry at 22:57:23 on 10th September 2019