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Re: Vs Carshalton

By Terry19/9/2019 12:04Thu Sep 19 12:04:23 2019In response to Vs Carshalton

Views: 797

That Line up Looks good Red Harrow l would have Fenton instead of Peppera for his good Leadership skills but its a close call 2 excellent players.
Through a Line through Potters Bar we have the beating of Carshalton
As we beat Potters Bar and they Lost to them.
Very winnable game but we need that word Intensty not just for 1 half of the game.But 90mins.
I dont think Carshalton are antyhing Special if they cant beat the Likes of Potters Bars.
So its down to us to up our Level to what we were doing 1st month of the season and we should see Carshalton of quite easliy!

Edited by Terry at 12:04:58 on 19th September 2019