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Re: The Long Ball Game

By John Rogers30/9/2019 10:19Mon Sep 30 10:19:01 2019In response to Re: The Long Ball Game

Views: 1300

"I think you will find Hendon are playing pretty much the type of football you are suggesting. It's not good to watch & for Hendon clearly not getting them results."

We've been very Jekyll and Hyde this season, at times we look a good side and that's when we get the ball down and pass it through midfield, using the pace of our wide men to good effect. However, that's very much in fits and starts. When we do go long - which happens more than I'd like - it is pretty ugly and ineffectual since we're lumping balls up to our centre-forward who finds himself more often than not isolated against two centre-halves and no Green shirt within fifteen yards of him.

Our problem, up to Saturday when we were thoroughly outplayed, has been twofold. Firstly, a failure to take chances when on top - we should have been 3-0 up against Wimborne at half-time, 5-1 up against Yate Town in the closing stages but were pegged back in both games. Then we've looked golden for 45-minutes in games and gone completely missing after the break.

The best sides I've seen this terms are those that get the ball down and try and play. Poole on Saturday were, with the possible exception of Weymouth, the best proponents of that. Weston looked a good side for forty-five minutes too.