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Re: The Long Ball Game

By Terry1/10/2019 13:51Tue Oct 1 13:51:51 2019In response to Re: The Long Ball Game

Views: 1181

Whispering your right in a way but more a Lack of confidence and belief that they can do it.
Simply put may l quote my golf hero Gary Player again.
When told by some American fan "Gee that was Lucky Holing a Bunker Shot"Gary said yes"The Harder l Work The Luckier l Get" Wise Words!
Hard Work No Ifs No Buts.
How much Hard Work is put into Passing and Crossing in Training.
Does anyone practice Long throws in training for matches
Is there a Hard Work enough Ethic or is it a Jolly.
I dont know the answer.
But l know with Hard Work and Dedication no matter what Level you can Learn to Cross and pass a Ball.
Go in hard for a tackle and should some Fierce Determination to win
Thats what the fans expect Whispering Nothing more Nothing Less my friend.

Edited by Terry at 13:52:25 on 1st October 2019