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Re: Ive Worked Something Out!

By Terry6/10/2019 19:01Sun Oct 6 19:01:48 2019In response to Re: Ive Worked Something Out!

Views: 770

I couldnt do any worse Earlsmead Part Timer.
Those 2 Laurel and Hardy!
Spurs ok unfortunate the goalies injury but Poch who l admire in Lots of ways how he can improve players a bit Like our own David Howell when he was here
Im afraid this is what l have suspected a Lot about Spurs.
Poch said the players were badly affected and couldnt deal with the situation.
So in an other words they are not tough enough to deal with adversity and Lack the character when chips are down.
As for Pepe taking off Kyle Walker that a mystery and me thinks if the might of Norwich and Wolves can beat them they are in trouble.
Not to mention Man Utd.
All us ABUs are smiling.
Enough of this Premier League rubbish! Lets pray for those 3 Vital points against my fellow Celts from Cornwall!

Edited by Terry at 19:02:23 on 6th October 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:02:57 on 6th October 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:03:23 on 6th October 2019