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Reply to "HB Team of the Decade"

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HB Team of the Decade

By HarrowRed27/10/2019 18:18Sun Oct 27 18:18:47 2019

Views: 848

as we approach the end of this decade, what would your best team be?

Here’s mine;
4231 formation

GK: J.Shea
RB: G.Moore
CB: W.Walters
CB: D.Leech
LB: R.Watts
RW: K.Nakashima
CM: D.Ijaha
CM: R.Wolleaston
CAM: M.Bryan
LW: S.Akinola
ST: T.Hewitt

Subs: N.Pope, M.Peacock, S.Preddie, I.Meite, F.Okinbirhie

Personally think we desperately need a Ijaha in our midfield right now.

Edited by harrowred at 18:19:10 on 27th October 2019