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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1

By Terry24/11/2019 22:52Sun Nov 24 22:52:42 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1

Views: 1123

Hello Town yes Marc played well Looked quality holding the ball.
The subs always a tricky one especially when we had only 3!
The guys put in the effort and determination but the quality not good enough.
If people say well the players arent good enough or we were unlucky theres only 1 response.
To improve the basics we Lack at the moment.
1 Shooting
2 Passing
3 Crossing.
Tackling fine we are getting stuck in
Motivation good players geeing themselves up before the start thats much better body Language to show opposistion.

Edited by Terry at 22:53:27 on 24th November 2019