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Re: Dont Panic!

By Terry1/12/2019 13:18Sun Dec 1 13:18:24 2019In response to Re: Dont Panic!

Views: 989

Ive got to say this Steve Baker is a good manager.
I may have differences on styles of play etc and the type of players needed to play a more robust style but l have no doubt Steve has strong motivational skills it just a question getting back to basics to make us tougher to play against.
Red Harrow we take it 1 game at a time 3points at a time.
Excuses that some may give about injuries or of Refs descsions or bad Luck l would say ignore.
You make your own Luck by hard work.
Have Borough ever sacked a manager lm struggling to think.
Eddie Stein resigned l believe but with Peter Rogers in charge we arent a sacking club.
If things got tough lm available as a caretaker!!!
God help any player not giving effort!!!
I would make Fergies Hairdryer look like a toy!!!
But seriously lm sure results will turn and as ever.
Come On You Reds!!!!!

Edited by Terry at 13:19:20 on 1st December 2019
Edited by Terry at 13:19:59 on 1st December 2019