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Re: Harrow Borough 1-7 Brentford B

By newishred5/12/2019 18:29Thu Dec 5 18:29:22 2019In response to Re: Harrow Borough 1-7 Brentford B

Views: 1080

Luck is always earned, agreed. I watched the game vs Yate last weekend. Frankly, the game could have gone either way in my opinion. Thought we have good effort and competed well but it was almost a lack of belief that made the difference in the end. Yate came off a win against higher league Braintree and seemed to just have that extra 1% to make that difference at the end. Game management lets call it.

Anyway, I see lots of positives and with recent squad changes, once they gel then Lady Luck will give them that vital extra lift needed to stay safe and push onwards.

I have faith..