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Re: Harrow Borough V Tiverton Match Preview.

By Terry7/12/2019 10:34Sat Dec 7 10:34:10 2019In response to Re: Harrow Borough V Tiverton Match Preview.

Views: 893

Hello Earlsmead Part timer thanks for your kind words.
But just a minute.
Tiverton Correct me arent one of the Great Names of Non League football so how the Bookmakers can make them as the away side 4/6 to beat us l think is beyond me.
You must remember there are 2 things to consider.
Yes we must play well the guys to be Confident and well Motivated and yes to have worked hard in training to get the Basics right.
Us fans who come today and pay our money take that as given because thats the Managements job.
I can get stuck in from half way and offer encouragement shall we say but ultimately its the players that count.
The other thing is Stop Tiverton from Playing.
So start with tempo get some tough tackles in and yes a Strong Challege on the keeper for the ball from the First Corner.
Send Tiverton the message we are up for the fight.
Im just going to do a post for the correct score..