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Re: No subject

By Terry26/1/2020 16:56Sun Jan 26 16:56:56 2020In response to Re: No subject

Views: 865

Hello Red Harrow l think your giving Nostradamous a run for his Money with your Predictions.
I said in my Closing to my Match Report if we dont improve Taunton will put 6 or more past us lm Hoping and Praying that some of the management or players saw that and made them determined to prove me wrong!
If you Like a mind game in reverse!
Its the old adage 1 game at a time 3points at a time.
Watching Tranmere this afternoon it is Similiar to Boros"efforts" yesterday.
Maquires Goal Hailed a Worldie.
I will mention something that may shock!
You must press the ball!!!
Tackle if poss but if not Kick Him and give a foul even if it Costs a Booking.
Youve Stopped a Goal and Can Defend a Free Kick.
One of the Dark Arts of Football!
But Just generally Tranmere Like Boro Giving Far Too Much Respect to their Opponents.
Lets All Pray God on Sunday we Never see a Display Like that again at Earlsmead.
Come On You Reds!!!!

Edited by Terry at 04:45:10 on 27th January 2020