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Re: Whats The Score?

By Terry26/1/2020 17:33Sun Jan 26 17:33:34 2020In response to Re: Whats The Score?

Views: 858

Thank you Newisred this is what we must have on here Debate.
But you must understand it we must call it as we see it.
You Mention Steve and Darron l know there putting in their best and are passionate and want to do well.
But its a glaring error you wouldnt see in Sunday football.
George Moore&Marc Charles Smith playing up front together part of teams who have won recently partnership broken up by a player we have on loan from Barnet who Lets be honest was at Least 2yards of the pace.
If thats too negative sorry but thats how it Looked.
You will find in all great teams yes there is some conflict to gee people up and do better.
I mentioned 2 players Last night who would not have accepted yesterdays "Efforts"
A 3rd has come to mind!
Older fans will remember George Lidster who was a Geordie and Tough.To say the Least!!!
When we went 5-3 down to Wembley in 1978 trying to get
promotion he had on field fight with Gary Fowles over the 5th goal.
I promise you this all forum members if George was on the pitch we wouldnt have seen that display in the 1st Half!!!
This is Brilliant.A Great Forum!

Edited by Terry at 17:34:04 on 26th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 17:35:34 on 26th January 2020
Edited by Terry at 17:36:52 on 26th January 2020