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Re: Whats The Score?

By newishred26/1/2020 17:42Sun Jan 26 17:42:39 2020In response to Re: Whats The Score?

Views: 875

Terry, I understand and get the frustrations of yesterday and B&L, but that doesn't mean we can't find the positives and good things. Each player is a person, they don't deserve to read some of things on here. yes they can play bad, but we don't know what's going on in their lives that could have forced a poor performance or half of a performance.

We all won't agree on the negatives and we won't all agree on the positives. Thats football. But just focusing on the negatives means we don't feel enough positivity about our team when not equally balancing with positives. Wheres the incentive for engaging with each other and debating if its going to be 90% negative and only 10% positive. Even though yesterday wasn't great, I certainly saw more than 10% in the whole 94 or so mins I watched. we lost yes, but there were positives all the same. Lets debate those positives more often...