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Re: Harrow Borough 0 Poole 0

By Terry10/2/2020 21:01Mon Feb 10 21:01:25 2020In response to Re: Harrow Borough 0 Poole 0

Views: 661

Thanks Dave Town Colours.
Yes Fully Agree About Shaun on Saturday if I can Compare him to putting in a Performance Aka Wayne Walters l cant give Higher Praise Than That!
We are Lucky to have The Fulham Fellas they are both Quality Players.
As For Tomorrow against Wealdstone lm having to give it a miss as my Dads on the injury List(The Flu!!!) and hes Locking the house up 9pm tomorrow night.
Lets hope Both teams play respectable teams.
Yes your right Wealdstone doing very well hopefully the days of the Yob elements that use to follow them have now gone as they are playing in Rugby Playing Ruisip!!!
Hope its a good game and we win!!!.
Please Dave if poss give a brief report on forum tomorrow night.
As Ever.
Come on You Reds!!!!!!