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Re: Harrow v Chesham

By Terry14/2/2020 11:38Fri Feb 14 11:38:34 2020In response to Re: Harrow v Chesham

Views: 1052

Hello Gee-Mickey Well Hendon springs to mind for a start.
Certainly not Borough with the amount of quality we have we are in a false Posistion!
It is a modest Quality this League the Isthmian League far better in my opinion.
You said it yourself your just scraping wins
Lets hope the match is on a bit of wind and rain lm sure our fellas wont mind that and by 4.45 lm sorry to say after we have won 3-1 you wont be Top of the League.
That Pub The Horsehoe in the Parade shops close to ground never short of beer in there.
Thanks for contributing as always.