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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

By Terry13/3/2020 16:59Fri Mar 13 16:59:57 2020In response to Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

Views: 1388

Because Cappers The Irish Government have got it wrong as usual!
So we are saying a Survival rate of 96.6 % ok.
Im sorry to hear about your Father Please give him my best regards but Lets be Clear The Southern League are going against our Governments advice and Showing a Complete Lack of Leadership.
They are Dancing To The Tune Of The PremierLeague and rest of Pro Game.
Whatever happened to Freedom of Choice if people want to go to the Match who are The Southern League to stop them.
Are we saying then the Smoking must be Banned surely that Kills more this virus ever will.
Im sticking to my view Bad Descsion Southern League.