A Final Word!
Views: 724
Passions are Running on this on The Forum Which is Excellent.
Ive Been Told Believe or Not Sometimes l can be a Bit Too Critical on Here!
Well Im Not Holding Back on This.
As Town Rightly said Most of National League are Playing with Presumably Bigger Crowds!
The Question in my Mind is This
Did The Southern League Consult The Clubs before their"Descsion"
They Should have Let Clubs Decide on a Club by Club basis if they wanted to play and not make a They Know Best Descsion The Sort of Stuff you get from our"Friends" At Premier League.They Way They Decided this today The Southern League is akin to Soviet Russia with no Consultation.
So lm saying Once again.
#Sack The Southern League Board.
A Final Word! by Terry13/3/2020 21:07Fri Mar 13 21:07:42 2020view thread