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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

By cappers14/3/2020 04:15Sat Mar 14 04:15:50 2020In response to Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

Views: 1323

Yes absolutely! It's crucial to stop the virus spreading. All the information is here and it clearly states that anyone coming into contact with an infected person should self isolate and that's official government advice. If one player in a team turns out to test positive. The whole team will be out of action. All businesses around the world will suffer including mine in Kazakhstan. However, I would like to think we value our health over finances.

Anyone who has travelled to an affected area, or who has been in close contact with an infected person, had already been asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

Spending 15 minutes within 2m (6ft) of someone with the virus, or having face-to-face contact, is judged as close contact and a significant risk.


Edited by cappers at 05:02:20 on 14th March 2020