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Reply to "Re: Well Done National League."

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Re: Well Done National League.

By Earlsmead part-timer16/3/2020 10:46Mon Mar 16 10:46:48 2020In response to Re: Well Done National League.

Views: 1603

Yes your absolutely correct Gee mickey.
That's what myself and many others on here and even Terry said. Take the expert advice.

Which was to go with the the expert advice from the country's top medical professional. The Chief Medical Officer who advises the Government.
Their advice for the weekend was that with sensible precautions as advised by the NHS it was perfectly OK for football to continue over this last weekend.
Yes that may change in the future, even today I don't know.
But I'll go with his and the NHS's advice every time.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 10:51:31 on 16th March 2020