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Reply to "Re: Well Done National League."

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Re: Well Done National League.

By geemickey16/3/2020 19:22Mon Mar 16 19:22:56 2020In response to Re: Well Done National League.

Views: 1598

A misunderstanding here Ep-t - my post was to read that No experts were saying 'carry on as usual' - in fact quite the opposite.

Re. Cheltenham, I understand it takes two weeks after transmission before any symptons become apparent so it will be a while before we know if any damage was done to individuals.
Hopefully it was too early in the cycle for the risk to have been high.

"Carry on as usual" is certainly not an option now, as confirmed by the Irish Govt closing all bars before St Patrick's Day.
The UK Govt is just advising people not to go to pubs, clubs, restaurants etc. That may change soon.

This looks as though it is going to be a long haul now so let's hope we all stay well.