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Re: RIP Frank Seward

By Terry19/3/2020 17:18Thu Mar 19 17:18:32 2020In response to Re: RIP Frank Seward

Views: 1173

Hello Town Ive Been off line Most of the day but Simon Grigor sent me an email about this Very Sad News.So lm Composing My Thoughts Straight Away From The Heart!
As Child Going To Borough l Remember Frank So Well as he played on The Wing he Would Sometimes Have a Chat with Dad and l on Halfway Just Before Kick off. With His 70s Style Longish Hair a Ready Smile and Just Tremendous Ability at Taking Players on and Crossing a ball Dad and l always Wondered Why he didnt make it in the Pro game as He Was l Believe on QPRs Books as a Youngster.
The Problem was Frank Was So Talented it all Came Easy to him Like Eddie Stein Everything they Did With Style and Time.
Made it Look Easy.
But Maybe When not Having the ball Eddie and Frank got a Bit Bored!
As we know even in the 70s you had to do the ugly side too of chasing back etc.
But l Loved Frank He Was Yes Mecurial Capable of Great Skill.
That Great Goal You Mentioned Town Against Wealdstone When at Last We Beat Them in 1977 3-0 at Earlsmead after all those Years of them Lording over us.
The Goal Frank Scored That Afternoon when He Beat Bowgett&Wainwright and Put it in The Bottom Corner is Still The Best Goal lve Seen at Earlsmead All These Years Later.
Frank Was Mercurial and Magical But Most of all always had a ready smile and a word to say.
Mostly to the ref about the kicks from the Opposition trying to slow Him Down!!!!
Im Very Sad to Hear This News This Afternoon from Simon.
God Rest Frank and My Sincere Condolences to His Brother and Family.
Frank Seward-Boro Legend.