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Reply to "Re: Gov Advice"

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Re: Gov Advice

By Earlsmead part-timer14/7/2020 16:54Tue Jul 14 16:54:06 2020In response to Re: Gov Advice

Views: 725

Well, I guess we're all in it together. . . . . except of course we're not.

I don't see how it's OK for the Premiership/EFL Championship to have continued and lower league football didn't.
Its certainly not social distancing is it?

Oh yes I forgot the magic words "TV money" just goes to show they don't need the fans. And how is it OK to go shopping or on public transport and a dozen other things, with a mask and not OK to go to a Non-league football match with a mask ?

I don't know why the Premiership and the top clubs in Europe don't just go out to Asia,or elsewhere in the world, where they are prepared to pay them big bucks and play their leagues there to empty stadiums with taped crowd effects
Or I'm I just giving the FA ideas . . . 🤔😁⚽
(Rant over 😉)

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 17:22:43 on 14th July 2020