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Shinewater Lane!

By Terence6/9/2020 17:41Sun Sep 6 17:41:51 2020

Views: 1353

Shinewater Lane Is The Current Home Of Sovereign Saints and Former Home Of Langney Wanderers Who Left There 3 Years Ago Sititing Problems With The Pitch.
So In Fact They Are Not Homeless But Chose To Share With Eastbourne Boro Who Have Of Course Floodlights and Turnstiles And As Such Langney Can Enter The FA Cup and FA Vase.
So Thats Fine and Dandy But In Return If You Do That l Believe You Should Give Untertakings That if You Get a "Home" Tie It's 3pm Kick Off Saturday or Sunday If Ties Are Scheduled For A Weekend If You Cant Do That Your Barred From FA Competitions.