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Re: The future ?

By geemickey8/9/2020 18:55Tue Sep 8 18:55:53 2020In response to Re: The future ?

Views: 1116

The off-field team at Harrow do a great job Terence. Of course they do. Most non-league clubs seem to have a small band of committed supporters, usually of a certain age.

Week in and week out the games couldn't go ahead without them but the issue is more one of where do you find the additional helpers to pursue some of the good ideas that are generated to build attendances, improve the match experience, raise the profile of the club etc. There is often too much hay on too few pitchforks.

By the way Terence, you could save yourself a few seconds each post by not pressing the 'capitals' key for almost every word ! That would also save the readers some seconds by making the posts easier to read. How about it ?