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Re: The future ?

By geemickey23/9/2020 08:43Wed Sep 23 08:43:17 2020In response to Re: The future ?

Views: 959

Suddenly, its now not a matter of volunteers, money-raising ideas, ticket sales promotion & social media presence etc.

Sadly, for Harrow Borough and all clubs at this level, the issue has now moved from 'micro' to 'macro' level with the very existence of clubs and leagues below the billionaires' Premier League facing a crisis of unimagined proportions. Covid-19 and the management of our response to it has swept every other worry aside.

If 'non-league' is allowed to continue with restricted crowds maybe the leagues can finish when they finish rather than by the end of May but, to put it mildly, the future doesn't look too bright at the moment.

On the other hand, the optimists will say that with no other live football available, we may see gates of over 300 back at Earlsmead, which would be very welcome.

Edited by geemickey at 09:26:22 on 23rd September 2020