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One Way System inside the ground

By The Majors Hat27/9/2020 05:51Sun Sep 27 05:51:00 2020

Views: 1012

I'm sure the idea of putting a one way system in to help with social distancing was created with good intentions, however it actually has completely the opposite effect.
Popping to the toilet at half time and hoping to walk back to the main stand via the club house end terrace behind the goal where a whole 2 people were standing ... only to be told that a one way system was in operation and would have to walk near enough a full lap of the ground which included passing through the main crowd of approx 100 who were congregated as usual behind the dugouts.
So instead of being socially distanced and not coming within 50ft of anyone several people were instructed to walk through a crowd 6/7 deep?
There were several people trying to leave before the end via the empty terrace who were told to walk a lap of the ground through the entire crowd for social distancing reasons - can the guys on the committee who organised this please have a rethink and let common sense prevail?
The way it's currently being used is akin to a lollipop man telling kids that the quiet zebra crossing is shut and they have to cross the M25 on foot!