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Reply to "Re: Leadership Needed From Southern League!"

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Re: Leadership Needed From Southern League!

By Earlsmead part-timer28/11/2020 22:16Sat Nov 28 22:16:20 2020In response to Re: Leadership Needed From Southern League!

Views: 1018

Football aside I just don't get the country's response to this virus at all, from a medical or political point of view.

50,000 plus have died with Covid 19.
The vast majority of people who get this disease live through it and don't know they've have it, and many have no symptoms at all.

Each death is sad.
I undestand that and I'm not taking it lightly and at the end of the day I'll do what they tell me to do.

But . .

As far as I know 170,000 people die from heart disease in this country a year.
164,000 from cancer.
30,000+ from lung disease.
95,000 alcohol related deaths.
None of these deaths garner the same response.

If you use the same logic on medical grounds all alcohol sales for example should be banned immediately to save lives ( don't give them any ideas EPT ! )

It just doesn't make any sense to me and seems disproportionate in IMO .

And we're facing the possibility of two years of football being voided at our level ?
God I hope not.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 22:17:31 on 28th November 2020
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 22:23:56 on 28th November 2020
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 22:27:00 on 28th November 2020