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Re: A Good FA Cup Draw!

By Earlsmead part-timer23/8/2021 16:44Mon Aug 23 16:44:26 2021In response to A Good FA Cup Draw!

Views: 1224

Yes good to get a home draw and obviously I'm hoping that we can progress to the next round. But we must give Ramsgate full respect , undoubtedly they will fancy their chances at Earlsmead.

None of this talk of how we've got the better players etc etc .
Let's see the lads do the talking on the pitch, I hope we've learned our lessons from our last FA Cup encounter when Cray Valley handed us our Ar$e's and Burgess Hill did exactly the same thing in the Trophy.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 16:45:12 on 23rd August 2021