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Re: Lost 4-0

By Earlsmead part-timer29/8/2021 09:01Sun Aug 29 09:01:44 2021In response to Re: Lost 4-0

Views: 1179

Interesting to hear the views of a neutral APAW and I enjoyed your commentary on the radio, even if it was painful from a Boro supporters point of view (0-4!) and I obviously understand it's going to be from a Poole Town angle and not Harrow .

Too be fair to our keeper Las, he has been very good in all our previous games and perhaps had an off day.

I've often felt at non-league level a lot of the goals come from teams giving the ball away badly or when an attack breaks down and players are out of position, teams down the bottom end of the table seem really guity of this IMO. I suppose that's why they r playing at this level and not higher.

We've got a real six pointer next against Hendon (what already! , LOL) a big game and Derby for both clubs .

All the best for the future.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 09:04:32 on 29th August 2021
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 09:05:42 on 29th August 2021