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Cup final

By harrowred (RedHarrow)19/3/2019 16:23Tue Mar 19 16:23:50 2019

Views: 847

Have there been any details released regarding tickets for the final at Griffin Park?

I guess it will be seating only which is unusual enough for non league. Will HB fans have our own section or mixed with Brentford/neutrals?

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Re: Cup final

By Terry19/3/2019 17:43Tue Mar 19 17:43:36 2019In response to Cup finalTop of thread

Views: 824

Hello Harrowred l hope we have own section at Griifin Park and have a good turn out of fans and the only time l sat a Boro match was when we had the old wooden stand in 1978 l think against Hertford Town in The Isthmian League Division1 and you had to pay back then to go in the stand.The one thing l would say l hope the admission is no more than £10 for the match and Brentford can produce a good Souvenir Programme!

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Re: Cup final

By Whispering Minotaur21/3/2019 08:28Thu Mar 21 08:28:18 2019In response to Re: Cup finalTop of thread

Views: 781

Brentford won't be producing a programme of any kind. The Middlesex FA will produce the programme as they always do for their cup finals, and I suspect it'll be one of their standard issues with just pen pics, cup history and possible line ups.

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Re: Cup final

By Terry21/3/2019 11:03Thu Mar 21 11:03:23 2019In response to Re: Cup finalTop of thread

Views: 804

Thank you for that info about the Likely programme Whispering Minotaur.

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Re: Cup final

By RedHarrow (harrowred)21/3/2019 19:09Thu Mar 21 19:09:54 2019In response to Re: Cup finalTop of thread

Views: 776

I see cup final tickets are now on sale on the brentford website. £10 for adults. Before I buy, do any boro fans plan to sit in a certain area?

Group tickets of 10 or more save 20%

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Re: Cup final

By Terry21/3/2019 20:17Thu Mar 21 20:17:47 2019In response to Re: Cup finalTop of thread

Views: 772

Hello RedHarrow just had a Look at the Website.Would be nice if we had our section.l presume the whole ground will be open but it doesn't seem to state.Im just wondering in the old days it would be Brentford Reserves instead B!

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Re: Cup final

By Middx Wanderer22/3/2019 10:38Fri Mar 22 10:38:39 2019In response to Re: Cup finalTop of thread

Views: 763

I understand Boro are yet to recieve anything from Middx FA re the cup final arrangements. I would suggest not buying a ticket from Brentford yet, as if they are selling advance tickets surely we will recieve an allocation.

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Previous thread: My Favourite Away Trip Of All Time! by Terry19/3/2019 19:07Tue Mar 19 19:07:16 2019view thread