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Starting Xl For Saturday v Chesham.
Views: 802
Ive named my Starting Xl for Saturdays vital promotion game v Chesham and lm asking anyone else on forum Land to have a go just for fun as we know Steves opinion is all that counts but to have ideas about the team in the mix hopefully helps.You can name a full team or just say who should be in or out or as Humphrey Bogart said in Cassablana "Play it again" in other words name the same starting team if you wish we had at Gosport.Always great to hear other fans Views and Opinions! Come You Reds!
Edited by Terry at 16:18:36 on 4th April 2019
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Re: Starting Xl For Saturday v Chesham.
Views: 727
According to IMDB and Wikipedia, Humphrey Bogart was never in anything called Cassablana, unless you know something that no one else does?
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Re: Starting Xl For Saturday v Chesham.
Views: 776
Sorry one of those films but thanks for correcting me.
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Re: Starting Xl For Saturday v Chesham.
Views: 738
It's Casablanca you're thinking of.
Interestingly, the often quoted line "Play it again, Sam" was never actually in the film, he actually says "Play it again, once". (I'm aware you only said Play it again in your original post).
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1 person
Re: Starting Xl For Saturday v Chesham.
Views: 727
Yes that true play it again l was meaning playing a unchanged team in that context but my team l put on the forum has 2 changes!
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