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Our Fantastic Forum!

By Terry5/4/2019 15:18Fri Apr 5 15:18:12 2019

Views: 819

I may be biased in saying this being a Harrow Borough fan but l think we have the best Forum in Non League.
Most of the others its just an odd report about the game on a Saturday and a moan and groan about the ref.
But ours is so good we had 2 Chesham fans on earlier and a Hendon fan within the Last week or so.
So the great thing is none of us are afraid of giving an opinion because we all have one purpose in Common seeing Harrow Borough doing as well as possible and yes getting that 5th Place! So Come On You Reds!

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Re: Our Fantastic Forum!

By cappers5/4/2019 16:55Fri Apr 5 16:55:27 2019In response to Our Fantastic Forum! Top of thread

Views: 815

Terry, the reason our forum is so active is because of you! You turned up on here a few months ago and have got forum posting diarrhoea!

Keep it up mate!

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Re: Our Fantastic Forum!

By Terry5/4/2019 17:02Fri Apr 5 17:02:57 2019In response to Re: Our Fantastic Forum! Top of thread

Views: 795

Thank you Cappers your so kind with your unique take on things!
Im Harrow Borough through and through. l saw my first game in 1975 with Dad and except for a 6 year break from 1989-1995 when l ran my own business etc l have always been a keen fan.
I always stand on halfway near the main stand and lm told its a dead heat between Steve Baker and me who makes the most noise!
Do you have a view on tomorrows team Cappers.

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Re: Our Fantastic Forum!

By cappers5/4/2019 17:13Fri Apr 5 17:13:33 2019In response to Re: Our Fantastic Forum! Top of thread

Views: 841

I'm not in a position to name the team as I live in Kazakhstan and therefore not able to attend matches. My last Harrow Borough match was a 3-3 draw at home to Lowestoft in 2013.

I think I know who you are. If you are who I think you are then I've seen you at almost every home game that I've been to. I've always thought you were an interesting chap (if it's you of course).


Between 1:19 - 1:29 - there is a gentleman standing on his own and you can see the back of his head. Is that you?

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Re: Our Fantastic Forum!

By Terry5/4/2019 17:25Fri Apr 5 17:25:34 2019In response to Re: Our Fantastic Forum! Top of thread

Views: 791

Hello Cappers havent been able to access that.But if you go on you tube 7/3/15 Harrow v Maidstone at 2:43 on the video lm signalling the score to an irate Maidstone fan who is complaining about the pitch and our rough tactics.My hair was a bit browner then.Wow Kazakhstan we are a global team.Thanks for being intouch # Loyal fan!

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Re: Our Fantastic Forum!

By cappers5/4/2019 17:33Fri Apr 5 17:33:56 2019In response to Re: Our Fantastic Forum! Top of thread

Views: 794

Yep, that's who I thought you were.

I remember many years ago when I was sitting in the main stand, you had an altercation with some middle aged women who were supporting the other team. I think it was Grays Athletic.

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Re: Our Fantastic Forum!

By Terry5/4/2019 17:44Fri Apr 5 17:44:42 2019In response to Re: Our Fantastic Forum! Top of thread

Views: 810

Yes thats true some woman told me to shut up against Grays as l recall in a vital relegation game we had to win and she complained when l told one of our guys to be more aggressive in going for the ball.l dont Like Grays or some of their so called fans.Good to see them struggling.They are in Isthmian League Division 1! How they have fallen!
Im afraid the worst bust up was against Bedford of all teams when again a female fan of theirs objected when Wayne Walters went in two footed for a ball with studs showing she complained.Again another relegation battle.
Tomorrow another kind of Battle Cappers a Promotion battle.
My view is this we play it hard but fair to me football is a battle and its all about getting 3 points.Thanks for reminding about Grays thats going back a bit!

Edited by Terry at 17:45:10 on 5th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 23:01:37 on 7th April 2019

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Previous thread: Any Other Views On Tomorrows Team. by Terry5/4/2019 16:03Fri Apr 5 16:03:35 2019view thread