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Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 18:14Sat Apr 13 18:14:28 2019

Views: 1217

Well played to Wimbourne they deserved their win.
I hear Nowby Concede Defeat and Accept We Wont Make 5th place.
As for the 2 goals lm certainly not here to dig players out no way but l have to be honest what l see.
The first goal George Moore just switches off the guy gets a 20yrd run a cross and its in.
What lm going to say people will call the Dark Arts but George should run back quicker and fouled him.
May have been yellow card then all they have is a free we can defend.
2nd Goal is Hafed responsibility.When l was Asst manager of a Sunday League team the keeper was told anything in the 6 yrd box you deal with.lm sorry both those goals were far too easy at any Level of the game.
We are having an excellent season l want to make this clear. Up with the playoffs fight and a Cup Final. In patches today we were good chances were created a post was hit and the effort and passion was there.
But its a Big But there things l would mention.
Before kick off and half time watching the subs"practice" hitting the ball high and wide and its all a Laugh and a joke lm sorry thats wrong.Any practice should be taken seriously with effort and determination yes a few smiles but lm sorry why werent they practicing crosses 10yrd passes etc.Which need working on.
As for training itself is it intense enough.
Watching today players unable to control the ball struggle on some occasions to pass it 10yrds or deliver a free kick or corner well.
With Hard work and Dedication any player at any Level can master these skills.Same with finishing Hard Work.
Is there enough of it in training.Is there a culture of Hard Work and we shall not come off that pitch Without Winning.Is there a fear factor of Losing because if its just a question we do what we can and shrug our shoulders then thats nowhere near good enough.Every player should take defeat as a Dent to their Pride if they dont then that sorts out characters you need to be Successful or not.
Sorry for going on just my opinion.
Man of the Man Match l will give to Nathienal Oseni he played solid and is passionate about the game so well played Nat ok.
Looking forward to Griffin Park.
So Come On You Reds!

Edited by Terry at 18:15:20 on 13th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 18:15:54 on 13th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 18:17:18 on 13th April 2019

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 19:06Sat Apr 13 19:06:58 2019In response to Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 995

Only one word sums that up, dreadful.
There been something seriously wrong with this team since the new year. Dylan Kearney papered over the cracks and they were exposed after he left. He certainly will get my vote for player of the season (that says a lot)
At least all this silly talk of the play offs which was obvious to most people after the surrender at Hartley Wintney wasn't going to happen has ended.
If we play like that in the cup final it will be embarrassing.
Wimborne were the worst team I've seen all season and they still won comfortably.
It's up to you Boro to prove me wrong on Tuesday.
Over to you.

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 19:26Sat Apr 13 19:26:50 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 991

Hello Earlsmead Part Timer great to hear from you.
You say silly talk about play offs but in my book you fight for every point but l concede it wont happen.
Ive Laid on very strong in my article and l hope some of the mangement read it.
If certain players insist on doing things their way as l suspect because myself and Steve were screaming for the ball played quicker forward and they were ignoring the advice then they are Out in my book.They dont play to suit themselves.Its a Team Effort.
If players Dont do the effort in Training as l suspect some dont think its that important than they are Out too.
I might be wrong it Looks a bit too cosy at the moment with some of our players having a Chat with the opposition today.
Sorry thats not on.For 90 mins they are the enemy if you Like.
If you want a chat give them a few Verbals a bit of Sledging and its all about Winning and Nothing else Matters.Then have a drink after the game thats fine.
First priority this Summer sign a player who can throw a Long ball.Vital!
Steve should be Looking carefully as l have said of the Players wbo just accept defeat and those who take it Bad
Its not just about Ability its about Character too in my view. How badly does a player want it is he willing to work hard in training to improve.
If he doesnt want to put the work in hes Out its a simple as that.

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 19:45Sat Apr 13 19:45:35 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 941

Something is seriously a miss in my book at the moment and has been for a good few months.
To me and I appreciate I'm just like you, a fan giving his opinion and I've certainly got no insider knowledge. But we just looked like a bunch of individuals who the management had very little influence on today. Perhaps some players were rested for the final, fair enough if that's the case, I don't know.
Spoke to Wimborne fans before the kick off , they had only won twice away all season and they were very worried about today. I said the way we've been playing the last few months I'd have you favourite's to win.
I bet they couldn't believe how poor we were.
It's been relegation form since the end of January, very poor after such a fantastic start, I wonder why ?

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By harrowred (RedHarrow)13/4/2019 20:28Sat Apr 13 20:28:41 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 956

Yes. We have won two league matches since beating Met Police at home on 5th January. Quite a shocking fall from the start of the season to Xmas.

Shows how far we have fallen that had we won today and last week that we would have only been a point off of 5th place despite the horrendous form. We're now looking like we'd be lucky to remain in the top 12. We'll probably get 3 more points and that's it.

On to the cup. Welling beat Brentford last week but they will be better for that and will be playing infront of a favourable crowd at a ground they know very well. Hopefully we will have a fire in our bellies and give them a good game. Just a shame the way the league campaign has faded out, however shouldn't complain really as it's better than being in the bottom 6!

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 20:36Sat Apr 13 20:36:49 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 1008

Thanks Harrowred this is an excellent debate we are having. Yes its been a good season and Looking forward to Tuesday night.
But the biq question is when things dont go so well you need to find out who the players are that will fight and put it right and those it doesnt matter much too.
You get rid of those they may have the ability but not the character needed to be part of a successful team.
Against a team Like Wimbourne you play a pressing game in their half not square balls and slow build up in our half.
But Like you say still a good season.

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 19:54Sat Apr 13 19:54:53 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 936

Youve hit on the head absolutely Earlsmead Part Timer.
I believe certain players are playing for themselves the way the want to play with the slow build up stuff etc
Im sure Steve wants to play a more direct style.
Theres a Lack of structure we saw it again today.
Im sure the corners have routines but not free kicks because you see players unsure what to do.
Again this is a training issue.
Not that difficult to be successful at this Level if the players buy into it and if they dont you show Tough Management and show them the door.
Its about good crosses Long throws good corners hitting the ball in good areas.Keep it simple and a fierce determination.Simple as that.

Edited by Terry at 19:55:11 on 13th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:55:27 on 13th April 2019

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 20:03Sat Apr 13 20:03:52 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 979

I agree with that Terry.
I could see you urging the lads on from the far side of the pitch.
I bet you were "spitting feathers" when that second goal went in !!!

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 20:30Sat Apr 13 20:30:13 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 947

Yes l was urging l was waving my fist at a few of them and l may have used some bad words which l apologise for!
Im sorry l dont do Losing so when you see things that need calling out you must do it.
If some people get upset tough its all about winning in my book nothing else matters.Full Stop.

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 20:21Sat Apr 13 20:21:15 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 948

Or Words to that effect! Steves a good manager he knows the score and what wins matches at this Level.
I have no Coaching badges thank god because l think you make it far too complicated.
Alex Ferguson had a good piece of advice to Mark Mcghee at Aberdeen.Always appeal for a throw or corner even if you know its not your ball but crucially he said to Mcghee if you have one weakness work on it to improve.
Honestly how many Boro players do this.When we see the same basic errors over again.
Im going to quote my golfing hero Gary Player again.
He said "The Harder l Work The Luckier l Get".
Its as simple as that.Hard Work To Improve.

Edited by Terry at 20:21:46 on 13th April 2019

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Middlesex Wanderer13/4/2019 20:58Sat Apr 13 20:58:28 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 963

Wimborne were probably the poorest sides we have been beaten by this season. Credit to them, they did what they did well.

We played some great stuff in the first half of the season, but watching the side now is not much fun at all.

The spirit seems completely shot away.

The positives were Ireland &Keita back in the team

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Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2

By Terry13/4/2019 21:14Sat Apr 13 21:14:52 2019In response to Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2Top of thread

Views: 922

Hello Middlesex Wanderer.l agree about Jordan and Frank they put themselves about well today.
As for spirit you need Leaders and the only 2 l can think of Mark Mcleod and Shaun Preddie not playing today.
Ive speculated there certain players want to play the game their way and are ignoring Steves instructions to go Long with the ball.
Are certain players working hard enough in training again l doubt it with a Lack of improvement in matches.
So Steve has a Lot to ponder this Summer.
Im going to put my money where my mouth is lve just posted the 4 players l would release at the end of the season and if anyone has a view please say.

Edited by Terry at 21:30:23 on 13th April 2019

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Previous thread: Lets Go Get Those 3 Vital Points! by Terry13/4/2019 13:15Sat Apr 13 13:15:22 2019view thread