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That Race For 5th!

By Terry21/4/2019 07:08Sun Apr 21 07:08:03 2019

Views: 1061

I Look at the table with a certain amount of envy to see Kings Langley and Poole battle it out for 5th.
We should be right up there fighting for it.
But in crucial games yes l will say we Lacked the Bottle and Self Belief didnt have a proper game plan of playing the game in our opponents half and l believe Lack of really intensive practice in regard to Crosses and Dead Ball situations have cost us.
Poole are the the 5th best side football wise and in recent weeks have found the character and belief to dig wins out.
Kings Langley are doing fantastically well too.
So who will finish 5th Poole massive tough Local Derby v Weymouth it maybe a draw and of course they will beat Staines.
Kings Langley go to Walton Casuals lm on the fence again l think thats a draw and they will beat Frome on the Last day.
So lm saying Poole for 5th.
When Boro were in Contention l admit l was playing a few Fergie Mind Games about Kings Langley being just a village team and Poole being bottlers but they have both shut me up and l apologise to any of their fans of both clubs about that if they read those posts.
May the best team get 5th and l would wish them every success in the play offs.

Edited by Terry at 07:08:59 on 21st April 2019
Edited by Terry at 07:09:59 on 21st April 2019

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 11:51Tue Apr 23 11:51:26 2019In response to That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 937

As I understand it having spoken to someone I know at Kings Langley, both Kings Langley and Poole reproduced some of your postings and showed them to their players to help ensure they didn't allow Harrow to overtake.

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Terry23/4/2019 18:13Tue Apr 23 18:13:41 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 972

Thanks Whispering but you the truth is we werent good enough.
Games arent won on screens they are won the pitch.
Poole deserve to be 5th lm glad they proved me wrong they are a good footballing team.
Kings Langley done superbly well to challenge.
I hope some our players have been reading some of my posts to fire some of them up with some of the abject performances we have seen recently.
Well as a Boro fan l know your Hendon l wish you well Saturday and hope you stay up.

Edited by Terry at 18:14:26 on 23rd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 18:15:03 on 23rd April 2019

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Earlsmead part-timer23/4/2019 15:56Tue Apr 23 15:56:41 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 973

If what you say is true Whisper looks like we've got Terry to thank for our lads "bottling it !" ;)

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Terry23/4/2019 18:20Tue Apr 23 18:20:08 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 953

Hello Earlsmead Part timer most of our players l believe dont do enough to improve their game and most Lack a win at all cost attitude.
Marry those 2 together and you have performances such as Hartley Whitney Frome Chesham and yes the Might of Wimbourne.
If any one wants to disagree please come forward.
4 Games 0 Points Simply Not Good Enough.

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By cappers23/4/2019 19:14Tue Apr 23 19:14:55 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 1006

Terry, we were always going to lose games. Despite what you say, our team are not superior to the other teams in the league. Anyone can beat anyone (apart from Staines). Yes some teams have better players than others but the difference isn't so big. It sounds like you were expecting us to win every single game. I haven't been at the games but I seriously doubt the players weren't putting the effort in despite how it might have seemed to you in the stand. You win some and you lose some. That's football.

I'll give you an example from my own experience. In my many years of playing Sunday league football as a very average footballer, no matter how many times I gave the ball away or how many times I missed sitters, I always put the effort in and wanted our team to win. About 8 or 9 seasons ago I was playing Sunday league football in Watford for Colne Valley Royals in the Olympian League Division 1. We had a home game against a team whose name I have forgotten (may have been Everett Rovers) and we lost 8-1. I scored our goal but as a team we didn't play well but it wasn't due to a lack of effort. I tried my best and ended up scoring a consolation goal. The very next Sunday we played the exact same team except this time away from home at their pitch just off the A41 in North Watford (in fact not too far from that little village near Watford that are doing so well this season but are going to miss out on the play-offs to Poole) and we won 6-3 or something like that. We had the same players as the previous week playing against the same players as the previous week. I didn't score but I had a blinder and set up a few goals. Did I try harder in that match and put more effort in? Nope. It was just our day. The previous week when we lost 8-1 wasn't our day. That's football for you!

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Terry23/4/2019 19:52Tue Apr 23 19:52:03 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 949

Hello Cappers very kind of you to be in touch.
Im going to quote my golf hero Gary Player again when a Yank said he was Lucky to hole a bunker shot Gary said " The Harder l Work The Luckier l Get"
Thats says it all for me.Hard Work Simple.
Its Never Good to Lose Full Stop.
Expecting to win every game an ideal goal.
Being Competive every game a must no ifs no buts.
I must ask you this in the 8-1 defeat game how hard was the work ethic.
Did you all think because they are top of the League we are beaten before the start.
I was Asst Manager at Sunday Level and believe me you can stop the opposition if your determined enough.
You can kick them. Sledge them.Deny them space by playing Long deep balls and of course from the first corner hit the keeper hard.
Lets be brutally honest except for about 4 exceptions l dont believe the majority of our team know how to win ugly.
They did once at Gosport where it was a battle but you can tell certain players just dont go in hard enough when the chips are down.

Edited by Terry at 19:52:30 on 23rd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:53:24 on 23rd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:53:51 on 23rd April 2019

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By cappers24/4/2019 12:11Wed Apr 24 12:11:13 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 964

During our 8-1 defeat, we worked hard enough but they were better than us. They finished 2nd or 3rd whereas we finished second bottom with just 4 wins and 1 draw and got relegated. Maybe the following week when we beat them 6-3 they didn't have the work ethic and thought they would turn us over again. I don't know.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that effort and being fired up for a match in no way guarantees you a win as you seem to be suggesting. What if the other team are just as fired up and put in the same amount of effort?

Terry, let me ask you this. Has there been one game this season that you have watched where you have been able to accept defeat and not criticise the team for a lack of effort? Or do you believe that if you lose it's because you lack effort and aren't fired up for the game?

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Terry24/4/2019 18:58Wed Apr 24 18:58:51 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 908

Hello Cappers sorry for the delay in replying lve been working for William Hill in Harefield.
My posts have ruffled a few feathers which is good.
Matches can be won through hard work and determination absolutely.
You mention if teams match you in that way.
Then you need people strong on the ball and deny them possesion.
With Boro they have 1 player in midfield Mark Mcleod thats it who can dig and win and keep the ball.
Dont control the middle you wont win games.
I hate defeat its a dent to my pride ok.
I dont accept any defeat.
When l was helping out at a Sunday team we Lost 1 match all season in League.
There was a fear factor of Losing.
One match l could accept defeat Swindon Supermarine when they beat us at Earlsmead absolutely.
But thats all!

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 20:31Tue Apr 23 20:31:42 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 948

Have you asked Steve Baker if he was happy with the work rate and effort from the players you think haven't been pulling their weight?

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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Terry23/4/2019 21:07Tue Apr 23 21:07:07 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 981

No thats none of my business but l have it from a very good source the coaches do Look at this forum.
Steves no fool he can see what l see.
He was screaming for the ball to go Long and moved quicker against Wimbourne and 1 player openly ignored this and got dropped for the next game.

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The race for 7th

By harrowred (RedHarrow)21/4/2019 20:05Sun Apr 21 20:05:16 2019In response to That Race For 5th!Top of thread

Views: 1062

We are now in a 6 team race for 7th place. 2 points separate Hartley Wintney in 7th and Chesham in 12th. A top half finish now looks assured even though Merthyr could have something to say about that if we don't take charge in the Staines game.

I know we haven't scored many lately but tomorrow we will hopefully fill our boots. Let's go strong, 4 at the back, Moore, Bryan and O'Connor behind Moss with two CMs. The GD could be the difference between finishing 7th and 12th. Unsure if there is varying prize money for where you finish in the league if any, but regardless, hope we finish at home with a bang!

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Re: The race for 7th

By Terry21/4/2019 20:28Sun Apr 21 20:28:27 2019In response to The race for 7thTop of thread

Views: 1048

Hello Harrowred be nice 7th but overall its been a very good season and effort from the players and management.
There are glaring weaknessess to be adressed but Steves a shrewd manager and l think he susssed them by the sort of team he picked Saturday.We nead a new goalie Centre Forward and 2 more combative types in midfield one hopefully who can do a Long throw!
Just 4 new recruits and a bit self belief and fight and we shall be up there again next year.
When the heat and pressure was on we came up badly short especially not strong enough in midfield but overall l would say with that trip to Griffin Park thrown in 8/10 for the season!

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Previous thread: HBFC 9 STFC 1 by Earlsmead part-timer22/4/2019 18:56Mon Apr 22 18:56:01 2019view thread