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Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 07:07Mon Apr 22 07:07:07 2019

Views: 1112

I spun a coin as to what match to go to and Northwood was the outcome!
I will be absolutely honest l just cant get any enthausuim to watch Boros game today when its just such any obvious mismatch.
Quite how the Southern League have allowed this to happen when a once great club Like Staines runs out of money and is virtually playing a Academy team every match and Losing heavily as a result reallly isnt a good advert for our great game of Non League football.
Something they urgently need to address at their next AGM of the Southern League.
I wish Boro well today of course but when the result of a game is a forgone conclusion wheres the fun it that.
But l will keeping a close eye on things at Northwood and if l see a player on either side who can do a Long throw l shall mention him on this forum this evening!

Edited by Terry at 07:11:20 on 22nd April 2019

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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By cappers22/4/2019 08:13Mon Apr 22 08:13:41 2019In response to Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 915

It's a shame you feel like that. It means the club will lose out without your gate money. No disrespect to Staines but the situation they are in has nothing to do with us. We need to treat it like any other game and do what we have to do to win the match. We need as many fans there as possible.

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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 08:22Mon Apr 22 08:22:27 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 882

Agreed Cappers l followed Boro away on 6 occasions since January and as a result a club Like Northwood who l would watch normally when Boro are away lve neglected a bit.So lm making up for it today.
This is just a farce whats happened with Staines.
As l said not good for Non League football and whats the point when you know the result is a foregone conclusion.
But am l right or wromg please other forum members do you have a view!

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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Earlsmead part-timer22/4/2019 11:04Mon Apr 22 11:04:07 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 867

You fair weather fan Terry !!!! ;) ..... (I'm joking)
On a serious note who knows Staines might turn up and surprise us ?

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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Middx Wanderer22/4/2019 13:51Mon Apr 22 13:51:45 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 879

I will personally will remember to clap Staines off the field at the end whatever the score.
They have done incredibly well to get to the end of the season. Most clubs in their position fold mid season.
There is nothing the league can do about a member club that has a weak squad or small budget & nor should they.
I think we need to remember how fortunate we are to have our small band of people that work behind the scenes or help raise money to keep us where we are.

Staines, Hendon, Wingate & Finchley are all clubs that care a very similar size to ourselves. All 3 could well be relegated this season

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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 20:23Mon Apr 22 20:23:49 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 858

Hello Middlesex Wanderer.Yes agreed we should count our blessings we are well run and have had a very good season.
Top 10 finish and a Cup Final and some great awaydays!
Ive mentioned in reply to Cappers that each club submits a playing budget at the begining of the season of their weekly wages etc.Then every week they prove to The Southern League they are solvent to pay wages.
If they fail 3 times or more to prove they can make their commitments they accept relegation.
Also another thing The Southern League need to wake up to every member club of their Premier must produce a 20 page programme.
Some clubs obviously dont do this so they can use the expense saved instead paying their players.
Time for The Southern League to get their act together and address these issues.

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Southern League

By Middx Wanderer22/4/2019 20:48Mon Apr 22 20:48:15 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 859

I don't think Southern League clubs HAVE to produce a paper programme at all anymore, as online additions are now allowed.

I am not aware of clubs submitting their budget to the league. Obviously contracted players details are submitted go the FA. other than that surely it's the club's choice to pay their players as they see fit.

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Re: Southern League

By Terry22/4/2019 21:38Mon Apr 22 21:38:48 2019In response to Southern League Top of thread

Views: 985

Thanks for telling me that.
Well in my view they should submit a budget at the start of the season and prove they can stick to it every week.
Then The Southern League must make a rule change to this effect.Like any business if your not solvent Your Out.Simple!
Clubs not producing a programme l would consider it a form of cheating if they are paying players money they would use on a programme.
Boro do a very good programme why shouldn't every club to the same.
This isnt Sunday Football where l managed once its Semi Pro Level 3!

Edited by Terry at 21:39:21 on 22nd April 2019

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Re: Southern League

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 11:49Tue Apr 23 11:49:50 2019In response to Re: Southern League Top of thread

Views: 797

Because it's actually very difficult to get a programme to be profitable.

I've not bought programmes for a number of years because everything in them is generally found on the internet. What does the Harrow programme have in it that can't be found on the internet?

Companies won't advertise in a publication that doesn't sell. You cannot force people to buy programmes. I bet if you asked your directors, they would say that the number of programmes sold is a long way short of the number of people that attend games.

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Re: Southern League

By Terry23/4/2019 18:29Tue Apr 23 18:29:31 2019In response to Re: Southern League Top of thread

Views: 790

Yes fair point Whispering but if they cant afford to do a programme what are they doing playing at Step 3 in the pyramid.

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Re: Southern League

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 20:30Tue Apr 23 20:30:23 2019In response to Re: Southern League Top of thread

Views: 841

Football League clubs do not have to produce programmes any more - same in the Scottish League, and indeed in the latter some just do an online programme if anything. There are many big European clubs who do not produce programmes.

Why waste time, energy and money on producing something that is going to lose the club money?

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Re: Southern League

By Terry23/4/2019 20:34Tue Apr 23 20:34:06 2019In response to Re: Southern League Top of thread

Views: 784

Then how come clubs cant produce a programme but spend the money on players wages and go in to debt Like that.
Fans deserve better after all in any other business they would be called customers.
Upset or dont care for your Customers no business.

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Re: Southern League

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 20:37Tue Apr 23 20:37:20 2019In response to Re: Southern League Top of thread

Views: 792

That's their problem. I no longer understand why programmes are so crucial when all the information contained in them can be found online, particularly at our level and higher. At our level all it takes up is time, effort and money, very often from volunteers. I suspect very few clubs in the Southern League make any money from their programmes.

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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 11:28Mon Apr 22 11:28:04 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!Top of thread

Views: 894

Fairly Fairweather since 1975!
If Boro persit with Current Style of Play as if they think its ok to Play a Champions League style with Slow Build Up from the Back and a Lack of Serious Effort in Midfield your right Earlsmead Part timer Staines may shock.
Cast your mind back to Frome Town.A Must Win game.
The scores 0-0 on 20 mins.
We have a Free Kick on Half Way.
What do you do?
Hit the Box to win 2nd Ball and Create a Chance of Scoring or as what happened play it 3yrds Short Play 8 passes in our Half and its Back to our Keeper.
In Training every Player should be told a free kick on half way must be hit to the box or the channel near the corner flag in the opponents half never played short.Thats what l meant recentlty about training not being intense enough.An Obvious Lack of Detail Concerning Free kicks which should be worked out in training.
I think Steve wants to play a more direct game but lm not sure some of the current players wish to from what lve seen.
So lm going to Northwood on a spying mission if you Like if l see a player throw a ball Long l shall mention him this evening on the forum.
Vital to get a player in who can do this.
If hes average get him in the middle to kick!
But lm sorry a Lack of planning not to have such a player already.
If you want to win matches badly enough you Leave nothing to chance and no stone unturned!
But most of all Happy Easter!

Edited by Terry at 11:29:07 on 22nd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 12:06:26 on 22nd April 2019

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Previous thread: A Fierce Determination To Win. by Terry22/4/2019 22:54Mon Apr 22 22:54:33 2019view thread