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Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry23/4/2019 20:54Tue Apr 23 20:54:27 2019

Views: 2230

The Situation with Staines has turned our League into a Joke.
The Southern League are at fault and not strong enough to have allowed this situation to continue.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 21:07Tue Apr 23 21:07:27 2019In response to Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2101

Were the Isthmian League a farce in 1963-64 when Clapton only got 9 points in 38 games and conceded 120 goals?

How about in 1967-68 when Maidstone United got 10 points in 38 games and conceded 131 goals?

Or perhaps 1968-69 when Corinthian Casuals got 8 points in 38 games and conceded 120 goals?

Or there was 1982-83 when Camberley Town got 11 points in 40 games and conceded 140 goals?

What about 1990-91 when Worthing got 10 points in 42 games and conceded 157 goals?

What about 1991-92 when Camberley Town got 9 points in 42 games and conceded 143 goals?

Or perhaps 1993-94 when Wivenhoe Town got 18 points in 42 games and conceded 152 goals?

Or the same season when Croydon got 12 points in 42 games and conceded 198 goals?

Or 1994-95 when Dorking got 12 points in 42 games and conceded 163 goals?

Or 2000-01 when Chalfont St Peter got 13 points in 42 games and conceded 150 goals?

Or 2002-03 when Chertsey Town got 16 points in 46 games and conceded 139 goals?

Just a few examples

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry23/4/2019 21:10Tue Apr 23 21:10:20 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2169

You know your Non League lm impressed.
But this is 2019 the age of the internet etc.
You havent answered about are Staines Solvent what proof is there of them paying their players and how much are they in debt Whispering Minotaur.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur24/4/2019 09:26Wed Apr 24 09:26:56 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2212

No proof that they are paying to be fair, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't play. We've had players offer to play for free at Hendon when times have been tight. Staines are fulfilling their fixtures - which is ultimately all they have to do.

Hopefully whatever the issues are behind the scenes will get sorted in the summer and they can be competitive at Step 4 next season.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Middx Wanderer24/4/2019 11:25Wed Apr 24 11:25:58 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1963

Terry . Time to back down mate. Staines are fully entitled to be playing. As already said, every club has to jump through hoops to keep up to date with the requirements of the FA, County FA & League .
If players are on not on contract you are not oblidged to pay them ( if they are expecting payment & don't recieve it they can leave). Staines have used over 100 players this season, as someone who gets involved with helping with our player registrations I know the Secretary deserves a medal not the sack.

Also please stop accusing our players of lacking bottle etc. Yes we were utter crap at Farnborough & Hartley Wintney, that happens it's non league, but when we played the real bully boys of this league (Taunton & Met Police) We were a match for them. Winning both home games & for very different reasons being unlucky in the away matches.
This current squad can only be matched by the team we had in 2009 - 2011 in the past 25 years, let's give them the credit they deserve. If better players are available in the summer in any position all well & good, but if not I will enjoy watching this squad again next season

Edited by Middx Wanderer at 11:46:00 on 24th April 2019

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:38Wed Apr 24 19:38:37 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1901

Cheers Alan Middlesex Wanderer l always respect your views my friend.
Well first of all lm Irish and we never back down if we did that in 1916 we would still be under British Rule today.
This is the thing with Football.
Staines are insolvent according to the statement lve have just seen on the Link through the forum contracted players were released in September due to the Club having no funds.
Stop there.
If A Business in the real World has no money to pay its staff it goes broke.
Southern League should have stepped in.
Staines are in breach of contract to their players
They cant meet their obligations to put out a competitive team when they play so how can the public be expected to pay to watch such a farce that took place at Boro on Monday.
Is that really good for Non League Football.
I think Not.
As for Boro.This Forum is where we must tell it Straight.
If l have Ruffled a Few Feathers well thats Tough.
You mention Taunton and Poole absolutely but remember we were underdogs with the Bookies both Games.Easy when your Underdogs.But when we were Favourites.
When the Heat was Really on.
Hartley Whitney 0 Points
Frome 0 Points
Chesham 0 Points
Wimbourne 0 Points
Played 4 0 Points.
Ive just done a post to Harrowred saying if Wayne Walters was playing or on the sidelines as a coach would those performances been acccepted l think not somehow.I think Wayne would have shaked his fist and put the Fear Factor For The Lack Effort.
The issue of the Half Time Practice against Wimbourne if Wayne would have seen that God Help Them.
For 15 mins The Subs Hitting the Ball high and Wide of the goal and its all a big Laugh.
If people are Really Making Effort why didnt the Coach give Written Instructions for things to work on Such as Crossing and 10yrd passes etc.
To me that an Obvious Example of a Lack of Effort no ifs no buts.
Maybe thats why no one can do a Long throw a Lack of a hard work culture in training.
Im telling it as l see it.
Defeat is never easy to accept but sorry a Lack of fight is never acceptable

Edited by Terry at 19:40:11 on 24th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:41:55 on 24th April 2019

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By John Rogers24/4/2019 19:45Wed Apr 24 19:45:20 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1949

The statement says nothing about having had any contracted players, Terry. They can't be in breach of contract if no contracts have been signed. There is no proof of that anywhere.

Even if some players were under contract, if the player and club came to an agreed settlement to end the contract then there is no breach.

Once again, there is absolutely no proof of insolvency.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:54Wed Apr 24 19:54:26 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2053

Southern League should have stepped in and kicked them out of the League when it was obvious that a Sham team would play every week for Staines.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By John Rogers24/4/2019 19:58Wed Apr 24 19:58:34 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2075

But why? Under what ruling?

And at what point was it clear that they were a sham of a side? When they beat Frome not so long ago?

I can't believe a supporter of a traditional non-league club is advocating the killing off of another one rather than respecting the fact that they've gone through a season harder than any we've ever known (or hopefully ever will know), come out the other side still in existence.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By harrowred (RedHarrow)24/4/2019 16:17Wed Apr 24 16:17:30 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2138

I agree, you mention Wayne Walters as he was a leader and shook his fist and got stuck in. How many times with him as captain were we near the bottom of the table. Yes leaders are great and may help the determination of the team, but leaders come in many different ways. Just because somebody shakes his fist on the pitch doesn't mean those that don't cant be leaders or work hard or lack bottle.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:08Wed Apr 24 19:08:13 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2023

Hello Harrowred.But Hang on are you suggesting that a Captain shouldnt be Vocal.
Lets get to rub of this.
Watching Boro at Hartley Whitney against Frome Chesham and Wimbourne at home are you telling me if Wayne was still involved as a player or as l wish our coach we would have seen those"performances"
That would not be accepted by him
A Lack fight and a Lack effort and yes bottle lm afraid.
4 Games O Points.
Wayne would go a through a brick wall to win the ball and soon Let people know if they werent doing it are you seriously saying Ryan Moss is a Leader when l saw him ducking out of Challenges at Hartley Whitney.
Lets get Wayne as a coach and get the fear factor of Losing back!

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Earlsmead part-timer24/4/2019 18:45Wed Apr 24 18:45:50 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2177

I agree with both Middx and Harrowred on this post.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Pegleg6524/4/2019 13:56Wed Apr 24 13:56:48 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2083

Fully agree really enjoyed the season and if we hadn't lost Dylan Kearney to Sutton utd I think we would of made the play offs

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur24/4/2019 16:08Wed Apr 24 16:08:30 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1823

Us letting Dylan Kearney join you was one of a very few decisions made by our management at Hendon that I disagreed with - agree that if he'd stayed you'd have been closer to, if not involved in the play-offs.

Interestingly, Staines have issued a statement today which is on their forum - click the link below to read it.


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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:12Wed Apr 24 19:12:59 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1974

Thanks for putting that Link up Whispering Minotaur.
I could use a stronger word but l will stick Hogwash.
That statement really is that.
Bottom Line September they are insolvent no money to play contracted players.
Southern League should have stepped in your not solvent so you cant play at this Level.
As the Meerkats say.Simples.

Edited by Terry at 19:13:21 on 24th April 2019

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By John Rogers24/4/2019 19:31Wed Apr 24 19:31:21 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2018

But they aren't insolvent, Terry. There is absolutely no proof of insolvency. Come full-time Saturday they will have fulfilled their fixtures which is the only requirement the league are rightly duty-bound to ensure happens. Having a £0 playing budget does not equal insolvency.

I think those behind the scenes ought to be applauded for keeping the club alive under extreme circumstances. When a club faces financial difficulties I am of the opinion that the first thing to go should be the playing budget. Too many clubs pick and choose which league to play in when the money runs out rather than organically taking the beatings they handed out on the way up on the way back down. (Granted, this isn't really so much the case at Staines since there seems to be some kind of wrangling behind the scenes).

What would your feelings be if, say next season, for whatever reason Harrow Borough were unable to get together a playing budget at all but were reliant on youngsters and the odd favour. Would you want the league to step in and in effect close the club down? Or would you want to see the club give it their best shot, accept that they're likely to get relegated but take the beatings in good heart and look towards a brighter future.

I cannot begin to imagine what those that have been involved at Staines for decades, like Steve Parsons, are feeling this season - but they've stuck it out and receive my absolute utmost respect for doing so. Good on them and I for one hope Staines are able to regroup and come back stronger in the future.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 19:51Wed Apr 24 19:51:59 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1888

Hello John.l know your Hendon so good Luck Saturday.
Hang on have l missed something.
Staines were in Breach of Contract to their players in September when they couldnt pay them.
So they have no money.
So must be insolvent.
If Boro were in a similar situation l wouldn't wish to see such a farce.
My view would be they accept relegation to a League where they play as Amateurs if they have no cash.
Im sorry this is the Real World.
I was a Big Supporter of Margaret Thatcher
She told it Straight and lm Doing the Same on this forum.
Every Business must be Solvent and that includes Football.
God How We Could Do With The Iron Lady Today!

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By John Rogers24/4/2019 19:55Wed Apr 24 19:55:21 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1995

Thanks for your good wishes for Saturday, Terry. I have fingers, toes and eyes currently crossed.

As I said above, Staines would only be in breach of contract if they had contracted players at the club - something I strongly suspect wasn't the case since we only had the one last season. If the players were non-contract, as the overwhelming majority at this level are then the club is within their rights to release them from their registration whenever they want.

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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By Terry24/4/2019 20:00Wed Apr 24 20:00:09 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2141

Thanks John well there should a rule from The Southern League about this.
A 1st Team Squad is given say of 16.
If this gets broken.
Then there out!

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Middx Wanderer24/4/2019 20:17Wed Apr 24 20:17:13 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1870

NO No, No AND F'#XKING NO . No one else agrees.

This could happen to many if not Any clubs, including our own.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 06:06Thu Apr 25 06:06:54 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2086

Thats their opinion.They are entitled it.When l was in Business and if l couldnt pay my staff to do the job to a Good Standard Customers Wouldnt Pay and Guess what No Money.No Staff.No Business.
Staines by Letting their First team go in September its a similar thing.
They cant do the work to the Standard required.
Provide the Staff to Play as required Standard in this case LeveL 3 of Non League.
This is the Real World.
I was a Big Fan of Margaret Thatcher Hard Work the only way to Succeed.
Businesses must be run properly in her era there was no messing if a business is run badly there were No State Bailouts and in Football every club needs to be Well Run and Properly Financed.
As A Customer Monday if You Like l Chose Not Go Because Staines Couldnt Do Their Job To The Standard Required.
Its A Simple As That.

Edited by Terry at 06:07:52 on 25th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 06:08:28 on 25th April 2019

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By cappers25/4/2019 06:18Thu Apr 25 06:18:09 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1880

They can't do the work to the standard required, which is why they were beaten nearly every week and are going to finish bottom of the league and get relegated. Let's end this debate now.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 06:20Thu Apr 25 06:20:42 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1862

Thanks for Agreeing Cappers.Absolutely 100% Right!

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By cappers25/4/2019 06:35Thu Apr 25 06:35:41 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1885

I don't agree. You think they should have been thrown out the league. I don't think they should have. Your comparison with running a business and customers not paying doesn't work here. They are playing football matches. Customers still came to watch the matches and in most cases, if they were fans of the team playing against Staines, they would go home happy.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 06:42Thu Apr 25 06:42:10 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2072

Go Home Happy! Beating Staines Academy Team!
Watching A Complete Mismatch!
Hollow Victory In My Book.Sport As In Life Is A Competition.Yes Staines Should Have Gone In September No Ifs No Buts.
I Think you will find Cappers most clubs are Limited Companies or by guarentee.
Yes there fan clubs such as Hendon too.
Limited Companies are businesses.
So my analogy l think a fair one.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By cappers25/4/2019 07:45Thu Apr 25 07:45:44 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1970

Staines haven't broken any rules therefore they shouldn't have gone. They have a rubbish (for this level) team and are going to get relegated because of it. So by your logic, the FA Cup is completely pointless. What was the point of us playing Northampton Town. It was a complete mismatch. We should have been thrown out the FA Cup once we got drawn against them under your logic. I certainly hope you didn't attend. If you did, you are a hypocrite.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 08:29Thu Apr 25 08:29:35 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1913

I did attend Northampton a fantastic day.How can you presume its a mismatch.
If thats the Logic how come Southern League Hereford beat Mighty Newcastle in 1972.
Well the rules are very poor.
Someone at The Southern League needs to act urgently to stop such a farce happening again.
It wasnt Harrows or Hereford youth team playing in those games was it!
Im very sorry if people are saying thats a great win and record breaking l just cant agree.
But free speach Wonderful this Fantastic Forum.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 08:58Thu Apr 25 08:58:13 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1983

Once again Terry, you seem to be completely missing the point the rest of us are making. You're definitely in a minority of one on this.

As Cappers and others have clearly stated, Staines have not broken any rules regarding their finances, or anything else. If they had, they would have had a points deduction applied. You do not have to pay players to play in this division. If by not paying, or by having a very small wage budget it means you aren't competitive then you have to take it on the chin and accept that relegation is likely to happen, which is exactly what Staines have done. Staines are not fielding a youth side. A number of their current squad are in their 20s, they just happen to not be good enough for Step 3 football.

Having read the statement from their chairman, he's done exactly the right thing by making sure the club continues to survive, and ensuring their survival has meant reducing the playing budget and if you read their forum, its clear their supporters are just happy they still have a club to support.

Let's look at it another way. What would you want Harrow Borough to do if the same thing happened to your club as has happened to Staines? Would you be happy if the league chucked you out because you couldn't pay the players enough to put together a competitive side but the directors were ensuring the club stayed in business by fielding the under 18s in every game? Or would you rather all the money was put into the playing budget and the club went bust?

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By cappers25/4/2019 08:52Thu Apr 25 08:52:12 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2044

It was a complete mismatch. They were in League 1. We were in Ryman Prem. A huge 4 division gap. They were professional, we weren't. We should have been thrown out the competition. It was embarrassing. How could our poor semi pros possibly be allowed to play against a professional team four divisions higher and get embarrassed by losing 6-0. The FA need to stop this farce and throw out every team when they are drawn against a team from a higher division to avoid a mismatch. In fact, why not make the FA Cup only for Premier league teams. After all, they always end up winning it.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 08:57Thu Apr 25 08:57:39 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1948

Hang on Cappers.Hereford v Newcastle 1972
Newcastle Division1 Spermac etc
Hereford Southern League Ronnie Radford etc.
The thing in common Players that were Good Enough to Play in their Respective Leagues unlike Staines.
Thats the issue.
Boro 9 Staines Academy 1 thats in no way a great win.

Edited by Terry at 08:58:04 on 25th April 2019

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 09:04Thu Apr 25 09:04:04 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1966

Once again Terry - Staines are NOT fielding an academy side. A number of players in their squad are too old for academy football.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 09:09Thu Apr 25 09:09:21 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1853

So who are they then.How on earth can you Lose 9 goals in a game.
Im sorry thats just a joke what happened Monday.
Im glad l went to Northwood and saw a proper game not some pantomime.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 09:15Thu Apr 25 09:15:51 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1895

So was Hendon 7-0 Harrow Borough in 2008 a farce as well? How could Harrow be so awful as to concede 7 goals? The Isthmian League should have thrown them out! Disgraceful to have such a result, especially as Hendon were didn't have their own ground at the time (game was at Northwood).

And that was a Harrow side that included your heroes Gary Ross, Wayne Walters and Danny Leach too!

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 09:19Thu Apr 25 09:19:36 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1968

We did have 3 players sent off in that one.
Bottom Line is this we put out on the pitch players properly paid and able to compete at that Level.

Edited by Terry at 09:19:51 on 25th April 2019

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 09:22Thu Apr 25 09:22:14 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2013

Once again, it is not against league rules to not pay your players.

Clearly Harrow were not able to complete at that level on that day - losing 7-0 is not being competitive. Clearly unable to afford players that were good enough! Should have been thrown out of the league.

Three red cards? I thought there were only 2? But still, appalling discipline - should have been thrown out of the league!

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 08:56Thu Apr 25 08:56:57 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1765

I completely agree Cappers - the FA Cup is a complete farce, allowing such a mismatched tie as Northampton v Harrow to take place (apologies I can't remember whether it was at Earlsmead or not). It would make far more sense for the FA Cup to be only for Premier League teams, and by the same token, the FA Trophy to be only for National League National Division teams.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 09:01Thu Apr 25 09:01:08 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1796

What about Hereford v Newcastle you didnt mention that one.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By cappers25/4/2019 09:09Thu Apr 25 09:09:14 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1857

What about Staines v Frome? You didn't mention that one.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By harrowred (RedHarrow)25/4/2019 10:27Thu Apr 25 10:27:32 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2048

Terry, you stated earlier that;

'They cant do the work to the Standard required.'

And that the league should throw them out.

That is what is happening. They have not been upto the standard required for the Southern Premier South this season and therefore are being relegated. That is there punishment for not being good enough.

They are not benefiting from their standard this season, except for being able to keep the club alive. Ultimately that is what matters.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 19:30Thu Apr 25 19:30:22 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1993

Hang on Harrowred.They are insolvent if they werent all the players who Left would be there.
Im sorry Staines have turned our League into a joke and Mondays episode please no one call that a great win.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By harrowred (RedHarrow)25/4/2019 19:44Thu Apr 25 19:44:58 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 1994

Actually they are not insolvent, they just decided to pay players less. This meant some players left and others had to come in who were happy with less money.

Just because they did not continually throughout the season pay players as much as they did at the beginning, make them insolvent. Players are on a non contract basis and come and go.

Harrow Borough this season may have started the season paying x amount on wages, let's say £1000 per week. If over the course of the season with player changes, management changes etc etc they ended up paying let's say £500 a week, should the league kick them out because they didn't continue to pay £1000?

It is totally up to the club to pay what they want.

Let's say a team from the Middx County league who pay no wages got promoted a few times and spent any money they had on off the field issues (legal fees, ground improvements etc), when they told the southern league at the beginning of the season that they were not going to pay players any money, should the southern league say no sorry that means you cannot play.

My point being, it doesn't matter what a club pays in wages. They can spend as little or as much as they want and this can change through the season.

Staines decided to spend not very much money on the players. This meant they were relegated because the team were not good enough. Relegation is their punishment. Had Staines Town stayed up paying no wages you wouldn't have a problem with them.

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By Terry25/4/2019 19:54Thu Apr 25 19:54:33 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2089

Staines have used over 100 players and turned our League into a Joke.lm sorry all the excuses in the world cant deny that.
When they Lose 9-1 against us are we meant to hail a great result.
I Think Not!

Edited by Terry at 19:55:00 on 25th April 2019

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Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.

By harrowred (RedHarrow)25/4/2019 20:05Thu Apr 25 20:05:30 2019In response to Re: Staines It is NOT a Farce.Top of thread

Views: 2070

Nobody hailed it as a great result. Good to score 9 goals yes but nobody is getting carried away because we beat Staines.

You started the debate about Staines being thrown out and most have had their say which you disagree with. However Terry when a hard question is asked of you, you swiftly move on and just refer how to 9-1 isn't a good result.

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Previous thread: Staines DID NOT field an academy side by Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 09:35Thu Apr 25 09:35:46 2019view thread