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Player Of The Year Awards.
Views: 1068
I have had a sabbatical for a week or so and sorry if things got a bit heated about the Staines Situation.Apologies for going on too Long about it.Many Congratulations to Micheal Bryan for Player of The Season.Hes a top fella who l spoke with at Hartley Whitney friendly and Knows the game well.
Being totally honest the style l would Like to see Boro adopt with a more combative approach Micheal wouldnt be a part of.
But thats only my opinion and Steve Baker and the team have done well with a 7th place and a Cup Final.
Just need to take it a Level up in the games that count when the heat is on and win ugly if you Like.
But thats the managers job to find those players who can produce the goods when the chips are down.
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