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What To Learn From England.

By Terry7/6/2019 10:17Fri Jun 7 10:17:37 2019

Views: 1021

Watching Last nights game with England and Holland admittedly as partial England fan as The Republic of Ireland with my Irish heritage are my team really.
But when they are not playing l do cheer on England.
What to Learn in regard to Boro.
As we saw 2 goals given away playing the ball out from the back Losing the ball in bad areas.
For You Tube fans out there just refer to the 3rd Goal we Lost to Swindon Supermarine Last season.
So my advice for Boro next season is simple.
When the goalkeeper has the ball in Dont throw it short.Go Long hit the ball into opponents half.
Same with free kicks in our half always hit the ball into opponents half.Not as we saw against the "might"of Frome Town playing 8 passes from a free kick just before halfway and it ending up back with our keeper.Not Good Enough !
Simple then you cant end up Like England giving away 2 goals in such a manner!

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Re: What To Learn From England.

By BoroHome&Away (RangersAsh)15/6/2019 15:15Sat Jun 15 15:15:40 2019In response to What To Learn From England.Top of thread

Views: 918

In my opinion I don't think it was as bad as what people believe, during the game it was very obvious that the officials did not want a England win. Having been in the ground at the time I saw alot of decisions be tampered to aid holland in getting the win! one example of this was the second goal scored against us as there was a foul leading up to it, moreover I think holland should have recieved a few reds including Van dijk, babel and De ligt. On the other hand I don't think England fans helped ourselves, seeing first hand the uneccessery behaviour from some of our supporters towards the linesman was disgraceful as i think it had a effect on the decisions he made. In conclusion our squad can learn from games like that as they look to have another successful season.

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Re: What To Learn From England.

By Terry15/6/2019 15:27Sat Jun 15 15:27:09 2019In response to Re: What To Learn From England.Top of thread

Views: 920

Hello Ash Boro home&away. Yes England were unlucky in that match.
As for what l wrote in regard to Boro.
I think Steve Baker needs to give our players instructions not to play out from the back where as we saw with England you can Lose the ball in bad areas.Hit the channels early or go Long and play to win 2nd ball in the opponents area.Too many of our defenders think they are better than they are and are trying to copy the so called pros off the tv.
Really Looking forward to the new season!

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Re: What To Learn From England.

By Middx Wanderer16/6/2019 22:15Sun Jun 16 22:15:31 2019In response to Re: What To Learn From England.Top of thread

Views: 894

I have absolutely no problem with playing out from the back, it's back passes that I don't want to see. Playing out from the back allows you to keep possession & control of the pace of the game. Back passes create the opposite & all to often even worse.

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Re: What To Learn From England.

By Terry17/6/2019 22:13Mon Jun 17 22:13:36 2019In response to Re: What To Learn From England.Top of thread

Views: 911

Yes agreed Alan play a ball square or forward never backwards.
I always respect your view but l would play a more direct games yes gambling in some way to obtain 2nd ball in opponents half.
Looking forward to August!

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