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Next thread: "Atmosphere at Matches" by Terry28/8/2019 09:08Wed Aug 28 09:08:32 2019view thread

Views On A Drum Needed.

By Terry28/8/2019 07:39Wed Aug 28 07:39:44 2019

Views: 823

I would Like to put this out to Forum members what would be their view about a Drum being banged during our matches or indeed any other musical instruments being played.
At the moment our ground regulations are too weak and their is no provision from stopping them from being brought into the ground unlike other clubs.
Im against it but what about other views please.

Edited by Terry at 07:46:10 on 28th August 2019
Edited by Terry at 07:46:48 on 28th August 2019

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Previous thread: Binfield at Home In Fa Cup by Terry27/8/2019 15:03Tue Aug 27 15:03:46 2019view thread