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Vs Carshalton

By RedHarrow (harrowred)19/9/2019 11:17Thu Sep 19 11:17:56 2019

Views: 815

Big game this weekend. It’s always fun to do well in the cups. I see now even if you lose you get some prize money but this is definitely winnable.

I’d like to see a lineup of

Al Droubi
Andrews Preddie Pepera Cole
Ireland Keita
Moore Bryan O’Connor

This will be a throwback to our Isthmian days. I seem to remember having a reasonable record against Carshalton towards the end of our time in the Isthmian. I think it will be 1-1 and go to a replay.

Come on you reds!

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By Terry19/9/2019 12:04Thu Sep 19 12:04:23 2019In response to Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 796

That Line up Looks good Red Harrow l would have Fenton instead of Peppera for his good Leadership skills but its a close call 2 excellent players.
Through a Line through Potters Bar we have the beating of Carshalton
As we beat Potters Bar and they Lost to them.
Very winnable game but we need that word Intensty not just for 1 half of the game.But 90mins.
I dont think Carshalton are antyhing Special if they cant beat the Likes of Potters Bars.
So its down to us to up our Level to what we were doing 1st month of the season and we should see Carshalton of quite easliy!

Edited by Terry at 12:04:58 on 19th September 2019

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By Whispering Minotaur19/9/2019 13:01Thu Sep 19 13:01:49 2019In response to Re: Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 936

Interesting thoughts Terry. On that basis, does that mean that Manchester City aren't anything special because they lost to Norwich City, and because Norwich lost to West Ham, that West Ham will beat Man City when they meet? Of course it doesn't, just as because Harrow have beaten Potters Bar in a meaningless friendly and Potters Bar have beaten Carshalton in the league, it does not mean that Harrow will beat Carshalton. You've clearly been watching football for a long time, so surely you must know that these things are by no means guaranteed.

I do agree on your point of intensity for 90 minutes not just 45 - we have the same problem at Hendon at the moment.

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By Terry19/9/2019 14:58Thu Sep 19 14:58:05 2019In response to Re: Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 865

Thanks Whispering.
Norwich beating City wasnt a great shock to me because Carrow Road is a tough place to visit and Norwich play an attacking style.
I only wished l had the 20/1 about Norwich!
Lets be honest Potters Bar are bang average if Carshalton cant beat them well all l will say if our guys on our game Saturday than its a comfortable win for Borough.

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By Earlsmead part-timer19/9/2019 16:40Thu Sep 19 16:40:21 2019In response to Re: Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 808

Quite so Whispering.
U can see into things whatever u want to see , it's all guff at the end of the day.
I wonder if Carshalton are using Terry''s logic.
"Harrow Borough must be cr#p , they couldn't beat bottom of the table ,pointless Beaconsfield. Not only once but twice !" ;)
Who knows !
Hope/want us to win , but it not going to be easy. I think it's going to be very close.

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By TOWN COLOURS19/9/2019 18:44Thu Sep 19 18:44:22 2019In response to Re: Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 837

Sadly I don't think we will see Adam Peppera for a while due to injury. I don't think we have lost a match with him playing this season so this may be the reason why we have gone on a bad run. He was captain as well! I think we need to ensure we have a plan B ready for the second half. It is very clear after 5 or so mins in the second half if the opposition have changed their game plan . This is especially needed if we are winning or on top the first half and then it all goes wrong like Tuesday.

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By RedHarrow (harrowred)20/9/2019 10:50Fri Sep 20 10:50:33 2019In response to Re: Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 754

He has been named on the bench in the last few games so didn’t think his injury was that bad. If he is so badly injured, why aren’t we putting someone fit on the bench?

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Re: Vs Carshalton

By Terry20/9/2019 09:30Fri Sep 20 09:30:13 2019In response to Re: Vs CarshaltonTop of thread

Views: 762

Hello Town lve given my Plan B on the forum.
I would always play 4-4-2 if poss as its easier for players to understand.
You can change things using this have players swap wings etc. Like you say at the mo we are to predictable and easy to play against.
Massive game tomorrow Carshalton are an average team we take the game to them get stuck in we should beat them easily.

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Previous thread: Plan B/Another Way! by Terry19/9/2019 12:52Thu Sep 19 12:52:04 2019view thread