Come on you Reds!
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Whats The Score?
Views: 785
Whispering and myself are in agreement l think for the first time ever(Maybe the 2nd!)
By agreeing Harrow Borough will this 2-1 in this battle of the Boros.
But what say other forum members any ideas please just for fun can you predict the right score!!!!
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 705
We're going to lose this one 1-0.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 689
Thanks for the prediction Cappers yes l think it will be close but Boro to edge.
Thats Harrow Borough!!!!!!
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 741
Tough one to call. But after Tuesdays performance and the fact Dylan Kearney is back on loan - what great news - going for 4-1 win.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 733
Dylan back wow! Thats news Town!
We are so good now will he get a game LoL!
Im still playing cautious with the 2-1 but your score of 4-1 would boost the goal difference or whatever they use these days.
Cheers Dave for your prediction see you at the game!
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 782
Dylan's back! Fantastic news. I know it's only a short term loan but that could give us a real edge.
Gosport turned us over 0-1 last season if I remember rightly, was thinking a draw for this one but now 2-1 for the boys in red.
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Re: Whats The Score?
Views: 765
Yes thanks Earlsmead Part Timer for your prediction.
Yes great news about Dylan.
Another for 2-1 your in the best of company with Whispering and myself on that scoreline!
Should be a good game!
Come on You Reds!!!!
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Dylan Kearney
Views: 738
Great news regarding his short term loan deal. I imagine straight into lineup.
What’s the deal with manny Williams. Dual registration? Played and scored last weekend for slough. Did the same for us midweek.
Attacking options look good. Will Moore and Bryan be out?
I’ll go for 2-0 Boro.
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Re: Dylan Kearney
Views: 725
Thanks for the score prediction Red Harrow of 2-0.
Its Looking really positive on the predictions!
As for Dylan depends as you say on player availabilty so thats what Steve gets paid for but obviously a big assest to any team Dylans natural scoring talent.
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Re: Dylan Kearney
Views: 712
Cracking signing, even if it is just a short term loan. I rate Dylan very highly - he was with Hendon at the start of last season before joining you, and I didn't think our manager gave him a chance. A lovely lad to chat to as well.
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Re: Dylan Kearney
Views: 735
Yes agreed Whispering. Dylan top player top bloke.
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Previous thread: Harrow Borough v Gosport Borough Match Preview. by Terry28/9/2019 08:34Sat Sep 28 08:34:30 2019view thread