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By harrowred (RedHarrow)27/10/2019 18:08Sun Oct 27 18:08:24 2019

Views: 822

League record done on calendar years:

2019 (so far): Played 34, 41 points (1.2 PPG)

2018: Played 40, 72 points (1.8 PPG)

2017: Played 52, 57 points (1.09 PPG)

2016: Played 41, 45 points (1.09 PPG)

2015 (from when SB took over): Played 41, 65 points (1.58 PPG)

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Previous thread: Time to panic? by harrowred26/10/2019 18:28Sat Oct 26 18:28:33 2019view thread