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Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1

By Terry24/11/2019 00:11Sun Nov 24 00:11:03 2019

Views: 1171

This display from Boro did have effort and determination.
Hafeed The Goalie had a good game and not responsible for the goal.
So l.shall eat some humble pie there.
It was a well balanced game and we nearly grabbed a point in Last min.
Things to Improve.
Next Training session dont bother with 5a sides.
3 areas.
Hard work and effort to sort it.
MoM Jordan Ireland Looked quality on ball.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1

By TOWN COLOURS24/11/2019 15:25Sun Nov 24 15:25:18 2019In response to Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1Top of thread

Views: 1072

Rather annoying we ended up losing this match. Just when we were getting on top in the second half George Fenton was substituted. For the second home match running the defence did not reorganise itself quickly enough- and the opposition scored with a few minutes. Thought MCS had an excellent return and held the ball up well. To be honest the substitutions yesterday did not work out for the better. Still I guess nothing ventured nothing gained although the way we were playing prior to the first substitution gave grounds thinking we would at least get a point. COYRs

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1

By Terry24/11/2019 22:52Sun Nov 24 22:52:42 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1Top of thread

Views: 1123

Hello Town yes Marc played well Looked quality holding the ball.
The subs always a tricky one especially when we had only 3!
The guys put in the effort and determination but the quality not good enough.
If people say well the players arent good enough or we were unlucky theres only 1 response.
To improve the basics we Lack at the moment.
1 Shooting
2 Passing
3 Crossing.
Tackling fine we are getting stuck in
Motivation good players geeing themselves up before the start thats much better body Language to show opposistion.

Edited by Terry at 22:53:27 on 24th November 2019

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1

By Whispering Minotaur25/11/2019 12:40Mon Nov 25 12:40:24 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1Top of thread

Views: 1128

How do you know they aren't practising those aspects of the game in training?

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Whispering Minotaur24/11/2019 14:22Sun Nov 24 14:22:14 2019In response to Harrow Boro 0 Wimbourne 1Top of thread

Views: 1052

How do you know that they do 5-a-side in training?

How do you know they don't do work on crossing, shooting and passing in training?

Do you go along to training sessions to see what they do?

When will you learn to spell other club names correctly? It's not difficult to copy the spellings from elsewhere! It's Wimborne - not Wimbourne.

Edited by Whispering Minotaur at 14:23:30 on 24th November 2019

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry24/11/2019 14:38Sun Nov 24 14:38:17 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1052

Whispering with greatest of respect if they are practising shooting crossing and passing in training then they need to work a Lot harder these are the basics of football.
With Hard Work and Dedication this can be acheived.
Im saying if they are doing 5 a sides l would bin them until the basics are sorted.
I was very impressed with the Commitment and Determination shown by the guys yesterday and we defo deserved a point.
Im not an employee of the club so its not my place to go to training but lm just as a fan giving a view which is what our great forum is for.
Sorry if l got that spelling of that team somewhere from Dorset wrong!

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Whispering Minotaur25/11/2019 12:44Mon Nov 25 12:44:04 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1302

How do you know they aren't working hard? Perhaps they have all reached the limits of their abilities?

I work alongside a regular starter from your club - the players are simply laughing at your comments. They'd love you to go along to a training session so you can see how hard they really do work at all these aspects you keep picking out. Go on - go along. I bet you won't.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry25/11/2019 13:17Mon Nov 25 13:17:57 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1209

Fascinating Stuff Whispering.
Yes we do remember the great days of West Country Rugby Gloucester v Bath springs to mind.
As l said before l cant just breeze along for a training session.
Im not a qualified coach but the guys need to work hard to correct the Lack of quality we saw Saturday.
I suppose things could be worse we could be in a relegation fight Like Hendon!

Edited by Terry at 13:18:26 on 25th November 2019

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By RedHarrow (harrowred)26/11/2019 09:00Tue Nov 26 09:00:00 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1177

I think we are in a relegation fight too, our form would suggest so even though the table may not yet

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry26/11/2019 09:09Tue Nov 26 09:09:11 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1217

Hello Red Harrow l think we have enough quality not to worry about relelgation just a bit of hard work on the basics and lm sure the wins will come.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Whispering Minotaur25/11/2019 14:32Mon Nov 25 14:32:49 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1151

Are you saying the squad aren't working hard in training?

Yes, we're in a relegation fight - I think our new man will pull us out of it, performances have improved a lot over the past couple of weeks. Tiverton were just that little bit better than us on Saturday. That's football. No lack of effort, hard work or anything like that. Just simply beaten by the better team on the day.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry25/11/2019 22:21Mon Nov 25 22:21:43 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1074

I cant say that the squad arent working hard enough in training.
I have no way of Knowing Whispering.
Steve Baker is a tough character and lm sure they are put through their paces.
But l know with Hard Work and Effort you can improve the basics.
Then its simple motivate them and give them self belief and confidence.
A Can Do Attitude. Thats The Bottom Line.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Middx Wanderer25/11/2019 11:38Mon Nov 25 11:38:21 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1235

It's a very frustrating run of results, but the fact that we seem to lose by a single goal must mean we are not too far off the level required. Injuries have taken their toll.
In fact in my opinion the difference is Michael Bryan, as his ability to keep possession makes our style of play work . Without him our passing is not as good & rushed as there is no natural outlet.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry25/11/2019 11:45Mon Nov 25 11:45:50 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1081

Hello Alan Middlesex Wanderer.
Absolutely true Micheal Bryans quality has shone through this season and when hes on his game hes one of the best players in our League.
I think the goal a bit unfortunate Hafeed may have been unsighted but attitude and determination spot on from the guys and even some Long throws and no short corners Brill.
We defo deserved a point.
So onto the Might of Yate Town some team from Somerset l believe.
I thought they all played Rugby out West!

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Whispering Minotaur25/11/2019 12:38Mon Nov 25 12:38:47 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1310

Some more questions for you.

When will you start spelling your players names correctly? It is Michael - not Micheal.

What sport do Bristol City and Bristol Rovers play? They are further west than Yate.

Yate can't be that bad, they beat Braintree Town in the FA Trophy on Saturday.

Edited by Whispering Minotaur at 12:39:29 on 25th November 2019

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry27/11/2019 11:13Wed Nov 27 11:13:12 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1016

Hello Whispering yes indeed Bristol City and Bristol Rovers do have a go at playing football but The West Country is soninmous with Rugby.
Gloucester v Bath say no more.
You mention Yate not being that bad and beating Braintree recently.Fair enough.
But with the greatest of respect if we can our blokes fit and motivated and yes getting the basics sorted in training l can only see one winner.
A 3-1 win For Borough.
Come On You Reds!!!!

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Whispering Minotaur28/11/2019 13:46Thu Nov 28 13:46:27 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1060

Gloucester City v Bath City you mean? Good old-fashioned Southern League fixture there.

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Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1

By Terry28/11/2019 14:46Thu Nov 28 14:46:35 2019In response to Re: Harrow Boro 0 Wimborne 1Top of thread

Views: 1062

Yes thats right Whispering.
But Rugby Out West Thats Their Game!

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Previous thread: Whats The Score? by Terry23/11/2019 08:52Sat Nov 23 08:52:33 2019view thread